Monday, 9 February 2015

Map Objective

I designed my map to be played by a maximum of 20 players. It can be played as team death-match, free-for-all, destroy-the-objective, or as the game mode I have in mind: Domination.

Team Death-match layout
Team Death-Match. Orange X represent spawn points.
FFA layout
The orange X represent the possible spawn points for players.
Domination layout

Team death-match and free-for-all are self explanatory. In destroy-the-objective the 'Government Building' or the 'Civilian Overpass' will be the bomb sites. As for the Domination it is a little bit different than the usual. So, I will explain it further

Basically, there will be two teams: the home guards (because its Victorian I need a name that will reflect that time) and the rebels (I still don't have a name for their organization). They need to get the powerful weapon from a cargo in 'River Market', the one who weilds this weapon can destroy anyone easily. But, the shipment cargo is electronically switched off from the start in the police station. The two teams need to switch it back on to get it. But, they need to have a plan for this, as switching it on and not having a teammate to acquire the weapon will give the other team the chance to grab it.

I'm confident that these game modes will fit perfectly to my map and will give players different experiences depending on the game mode.

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